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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can anyone tell me where I can go to learn to yodel?

Question:i really want to learn this art

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really want to learn this art

Come to my class, Yodeling and Jello Bikinis 101.
Once that jello hits your sensitive bits, you learn to yodel real freaking quick!

Come to Northern California (((F?A))) I can't Yodel but we will have a kick *** time learning how to do it together and we will have all kinds of fun around here doing God knows what is getting hot over here so maybe tubing or just relaxing on the boat trying to yodel and scaring off the people around us, it will sound good to us especially if we have liquor then it will sound damn good :)

Switzerland is the mecca, but you don't say which part of the world you are from.

If you are in USA or UK can I suggest a country and western club, who often use this technique in their music.

Good on you. Don't let anyone put you down for wanting to do something with a passion.

learn from the master: MOI! i was trained intensively at finishing school under the best damn yodeler switzerland has ever known! and i got to eat chocolate!