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Question:how does the Coldplay guitarist get all those watery echoes?
in on live video i saw him holding a magnet or something by the bridge and he wasnt even strumming.

just in general, what does coldplay do, for like, Yellow or God Put a Smile on Your Face

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how does the Coldplay guitarist get all those watery echoes?
in on live video i saw him holding a magnet or something by the bridge and he wasnt even strumming.

just in general, what does coldplay do, for like, Yellow or God Put a Smile on Your Face

Sounds like he was using an E-bow with a flanger and delay. I'm not familiar with the song, but from your description it matches.

An e-bow uses a driver to vibrate strings - similar to a sustainiac. This can give the guitar violin-like or synthy qualities.


Saul is right on. Here are two interesting sites that are worth looking at if you're interested in the eBow:
