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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have to perform a monoluge tomorrow I need help dont know how to do it!!?

Question:Im doing hermoines monoluge where she is falsely accused i dont know how to act it out does she feel sorry for herself what if you have done it before it would help tons if you could give me some pointers the monoluge starts out with since what am to say must be but that!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im doing hermoines monoluge where she is falsely accused i dont know how to act it out does she feel sorry for herself what if you have done it before it would help tons if you could give me some pointers the monoluge starts out with since what am to say must be but that!!

I hope it's from A Winter's Tale and not Harry Potter, Hermoine is a woman of great dignity and integrity (and self confidence). While I didn't play Hermione (I played Autolycus) I watched the actress that played Hermione for a couple of months do the piece with almost a chip on her shoulder, the conflict is that she is in this situation unfairly and refuses to become resigned to what other people may think or claim. It's a role of thunder and defience rather than feeling sorry for herself.

when she is falsely accused of what? from harry potter???/