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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I to learn to sing realy realy high tones kinda like this song...?

Question: listen to the song he dosent realy get his voice high till a lil in the song but i want to learn to get that high what should i do plz help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: listen to the song he dosent realy get his voice high till a lil in the song but i want to learn to get that high what should i do plz help

well if you are really that dedicated, what you should do is continuouly do alot of voice exercises. not just in the higher range but make sure to keep your lower range as well. the thing about singing higher is that your voice goes to your head. if you pay attention when you sing higher notes sometimes you end up looking at the ceiling lol. warm up your vocal chords. and do alot of scales, going up and down. every day. and everyday, when you start getting up to those high notes, push out at least one note higher than your comfort zone everyday. when you get the note or even squeak it. repeatedly keep doing it so that your brain and vocal chords get used to the stress to get that note. until you can perfectly perform that note move to the next one doing the same thing.

it helped me reach my range from a low C to a G (before high C)