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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does comedian Mitch Fatel actually have a disability, or is it just part of his

Question:In comedian Mitch Fatel's act, he acts as if he has some sort of mental disability. In one of his bits, he even says, "I'm as close to retarded as you can be and still live alone." Is this just part of his act - to allow him to use the frank sexual and borderline-offensive comments that he does, without audiences getting mad at him - or does he really have a disability?

My guess is that's it's all part of the act, but it's hard to tell.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In comedian Mitch Fatel's act, he acts as if he has some sort of mental disability. In one of his bits, he even says, "I'm as close to retarded as you can be and still live alone." Is this just part of his act - to allow him to use the frank sexual and borderline-offensive comments that he does, without audiences getting mad at him - or does he really have a disability?

My guess is that's it's all part of the act, but it's hard to tell.

apparently it's an act.

pretty offensive if you ask me.