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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone know any sites that can teach me guitar really well?

Question:i haven't even bought a guitar yet but im ganna get one next week and i want a site that teaches how to play guitar for complete beginners before i buy a guitar. anyone know any good sites that they have used?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i haven't even bought a guitar yet but im ganna get one next week and i want a site that teaches how to play guitar for complete beginners before i buy a guitar. anyone know any good sites that they have used?

my computers a little messed up at the moment so I can't give you a link but if you go Google and type in , "Online Guitar Lessons" and click on the 4th link (It should say "Guitar lessons for begginers Archive") , thats a really good sight that I've been using for almost a year. (I teach myself).

Good luck.