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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Guitars Acoustic v Electric?

Question:I've been playing a Simon and Patrick for 7 years now and decided to get into the electrics.
But I must say it doesn't sound as true,.
Know what i mean?
Shall I take it back and upgrade the acoustic?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been playing a Simon and Patrick for 7 years now and decided to get into the electrics.
But I must say it doesn't sound as true,.
Know what i mean?
Shall I take it back and upgrade the acoustic?

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I have 15 acoustics and electrics and I play the acoustics WAY more, and prefer the sound. I have two favorites: one with Fishman (Classic 4) electronics, and one with a Highlander IP2. Go with the upgrade and either purchase with electronics or have your own choice installed. Simon and Patrick offers either the B-Band A3.2 or AER electronics and I doubt you could go wrong with either of these.

Hope this helps,


id say get an acoustic that doubles as an electric

no! dont it is your destiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

why not get an acoustic electric...maybe your electric sounds bad because its not a very good one. how much did you pay for and what company made it? feel free to email me those answer if you want more info.

I don't think it's worth comparing the two since the sounds are both pretty unique. I do prefer my acoustic, but I love the sound of a well played electric. I wouldn't get an electric acoustic; If you want something that sounds true, go full electric or full acoustic.

I'd say keep the electric and give the commitment you gave your acoustic. If you really don't like the sound, then it probably is a waste. Gotta stick to what moves you.

well it's all a matter of opinion, but for me i would prefer an electric. it sounds like you much prefer the pure, clean sound of an acoustic though? i play an electric myself, and although i would never be able to get the lovely sound of an acoustic with it, i can 'create' many sounds with it.

As you probably know, you have to press harder on the strings of an acoustic guitar than an electric. If you really want to keep playing electric, you shouldn't play acoustic as well. If you do, it will be harder to remember to press lighter/harder on the strings. Basiclly whatever you start with you should stick with.

It really depends on your preference and it sounds liuke you prefer the acoustic.
There are qualities that each have that the other doesn't. And even if it is on setting that is too replicate acoustic, electrics never sound like acoustics. I have both and use both. I just use my electric more because it is a fairly crappy acoustic.

i just like them. . .but im a rocker chick to Electric is FAWESOME! but dont give up on either. . . get the upgrade and play both. . .

I always have both, they're two entirely different disiplines, having said that i would write almost exclusivley on the acoustic.


I an acoustic electric aria most of the time, with just the use of a chorus pedal to fill out the sound. When I want to play some electric guitar rifts, I plug the guitar into a korg guitar synth box, when I do this the guitar sounds exactly like an electric, in fact I use it for live stage work!

depends what your playing i have both why not keep the acoustic and buy a cheap electric or whatever you can afford

Try an electro-acoustic, it's a great half-way point if you want to get into electrics

Agree with speedboat's answer; I've had Aria electro-acoustic for the last few years and it's absolutely amazing for both, the sound's absolutely gorgeous

Acoustic has always had a special place in my heart. When I hear just the sound of a guitar, it means more. It's a pure sound.

My son just started really getting into his acoustic. Yeah, he needs some work. :o)

who cares