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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What gauge of guitar strings do you currently play most?

Question:Elixir 11's on my electrics. Elixir mediums on the acoustics.

I also use GHS Fast Fret and wipe them down after I play - it makes them last even longer (think months sounding almost brand new).

I play 1/2 step down, so I'm thinking about going up to .12's. Beefy tone. Meaty, thick, beefy tone. Mmmmm....

The Elixirs are worth every penny, as the other answerer said. They last much longer than other strings right off the bat, but when you take good care of them they last even longer... and still sound good!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Elixir 11's on my electrics. Elixir mediums on the acoustics.

I also use GHS Fast Fret and wipe them down after I play - it makes them last even longer (think months sounding almost brand new).

I play 1/2 step down, so I'm thinking about going up to .12's. Beefy tone. Meaty, thick, beefy tone. Mmmmm....

The Elixirs are worth every penny, as the other answerer said. They last much longer than other strings right off the bat, but when you take good care of them they last even longer... and still sound good!


I use medium gauge strings on an acoustic parlor guitar.

light on my electric because they are easier to bend but of course they don't have as good of tone

I use 10's for electric (high E string)
I use 12's for acoustic (high E string)

Brand Elixer Nano Weave. Expensive, yes. Worth it, every penny.