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Position:Home>Performing Arts> The Pyramid of Sound?

Question:How do you get your fellow band mates to listen to eachother and balance really well. I am not trying to make my buddies all perfect but I like it when we are the best we can be. Today I went to compete and all the bands I heard were not so hot on balance; I would like some tips on that and we are also not so hot at transitions in the song like a fast part to a slow graceful part. I would so appreciate it if I had some tips on that too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do you get your fellow band mates to listen to eachother and balance really well. I am not trying to make my buddies all perfect but I like it when we are the best we can be. Today I went to compete and all the bands I heard were not so hot on balance; I would like some tips on that and we are also not so hot at transitions in the song like a fast part to a slow graceful part. I would so appreciate it if I had some tips on that too.

listen down to the bass instruments and make sure the band's soprano instruments (flutes, clarinets, trumpets etc) don't play too loudly. Tell them all about the pyramid of sound theory which you seem to know a little about.
Trying to play with warm air also opens your throats which will make a more beautiful sound.
Also try to get the band to breate together as this will help your ensemble skills.
hope this helps

well first of all, the solution to balance the volume of each instrument is to get recorded, not a demo, but just someone that has a PA(specialy easy if you are in a church). you can also follow this rules:
the guitar must not be louder than the vocals
the bass has to be a bit louder than the guitar, just a BIT
the drums have to be loud, they wont pop or scare anyone, just dont try to relieve all your anger and stress on them