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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Audition Help? I need a song and monologue.?

Question:I'm having trouble finding a monologue as good as mine last year. I'm very good with serious monologues, in fact I won city in a solo serious catergory. I need some monologue suggestions. Anything, books, or whatever. I also need to find a song, I'm an alto, but I can't go really really low. I don't care what type of song it is, but I'd prefer an upbeat showtune. I also like Les Miserables :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm having trouble finding a monologue as good as mine last year. I'm very good with serious monologues, in fact I won city in a solo serious catergory. I need some monologue suggestions. Anything, books, or whatever. I also need to find a song, I'm an alto, but I can't go really really low. I don't care what type of song it is, but I'd prefer an upbeat showtune. I also like Les Miserables :D

I think you should stretch your abilities, and go with a really good comedy piece. As an actor, you are expected to be able to do any emotion on command. I would go with looking through Ellen DeGeneres books, and pick a chapter to memorize, and preform. As for a song, go for a song with a wide range, that best shows off what you can do, since i don't know what you are auditioning for, i don't have a certain piece, but look for one with a similar sound, or use a song from the show itself.

and you are asking people on yahoo answers?go to your teacher for advice.

Here are some monologues
and if you like Les Mis why not try I Dreamed a Dream.