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i will have singing lessons - do i have potential?

advice please.....................................

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i will have singing lessons - do i have potential?

advice please.....................................

Everyone has potential! You're in tune, which is good, but your notes are breathy and nervous. It's like you're worried about someone hearing you.

I say get yourself a location where you feel comfortable REALLY busting out the volume and supporting your voice. Maybe a walk-in closet or somewhere that makes you feel more comfortable with yourself as you sing. I used to be nervous that my parents would hear me, so I would only practice when they weren't around, which wasn't very often. Not until I used my closet to practice did I start getting better, and then I found out that my parents didn't mind hearing me sing at all anyway.

The hardest part is getting used to the idea of other people hearing you. You need to support your voice, which usually begins with volume. Once you learn to do that (which I'm sure your voice teacher will teach you how to do) you'll be able to sing softly with support. Singing softly is harder than singing loudly.

Once you stop sounding so breathy, you'll sound MUCH better.

Best of luck! You really do have potential, but practice hard!

by singing

don't drink cold water or don't eat ice cream after singing.
practice singing in the shower:)
sing often.
i think you have potential.
you just have to practice singing often so that you can master it.
know the proper breathing when your singing.

train your ears first
gain aural skill