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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Should I learn how to play piano or guitar?

Question:I want to learn both but my mom is making me one take lessons for one. I know how play both a little but I can play the piano better. I've also heard that if you learn how to play the piano you can play anything.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to learn both but my mom is making me one take lessons for one. I know how play both a little but I can play the piano better. I've also heard that if you learn how to play the piano you can play anything.

It makes sense only taking lessons for one, and that's okay! You're lucky to have lessons. My suggestion would be to take lessons for piano - you can learn music theory much easier on piano (which is important to really understanding music). Then what I would do is hop online and learn guitar yourself. I did it, and lots of people do it every day. You don't have to choose between instruments - piano's to play in the house, and guitar's for stuffing in the trunk of your car and taking everywhere you go ;) Guitar's frustrating though, so don't give up. I started when I was 21 and then stopped after a year because I got really good really fast but hit a plateau that got really frustrating. I saved up and used this program:
It's called Elmore Music and it was designed by a dude (named Chris Elmore) who is a young guitar player himself. It was amazing how well it worked for me. I think it cost me almost $200 at the time, but a friend had recommended it. Like I said, I just saved up for a bit and went for it. It has tons and tons of videos and tabs and has a step-by-step system that lets you keep track of your progress. It's basically like having a teacher only it's the cost of like five lessons with a teacher (just you have to pay it all at once). See if your mom will splurge and get it for you - maybe as a birthday present or something. As long as you'll put in time each day to practice, you can get good enough that you can just jam, which is what the goal should be =) Once you get to where you can just "talk" through your guitar, then you'll have a blast and a skill that you'll never lose. Good luck and never stop practicing!

all instruments are going to take practise no matter what instrument you have played previously. I think guitar more portable and the songs you can play are more interesting. Anyway if your only allowed to take one instrument it doesn't matter if piano is going to help you if you aren't going to learn another instrument! :)

i dont know i thats a tough one i would go with guitar but thats only because i have know clue how to play that and it looks really good and artistic but all music is flip a coin
and go with that one if a part of u is unhappy with what u got then go with the other one because obviously u wanted that one more
hope i helped

i take piano and now i'm going to learn the guitar. Its easier when you already know piano because your fingers act like a piano on the guitar. I would take piano then take guitar later on in life

piano is easier, i used to play piano but guitars cooler :P

Well if you are basing this one for fun then do guitar, it might be hard but its be worth it. But if this is to help for a career I would do piano it is used a lot in music careers.

PIANO, that's what I would learn and my reason is that a piano instructor will teach you music theory were as many guitar teachers won't. Learn to READ notation on piano and MOST stringed instruments use the same music. The only difference is that guitars are play an octave out from piano but has the same notation. Happy tuning!

everyone plays, or at least thinks they can play guitar, so go for the piano.

Personally id take the guitar .. its kinda portable and more accesable .. u can always start with video-lessons
like theese:

Every instrument that's out there is much easier to learn if you can already play piano. Reading music is easier to learn on the piano than it is on any other music, as well. I'd highly recommend committing to 2 years of piano, then evaluate how you're doing..... maybe switch to guitar then. Or maybe your family can handle both by then.