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Question:Why do you live?
why are you, you?
why stand here?
when you can stand there...

i know why i live, i want to know why other people live and wake up everymoring being who they are and continue living

Anwser,please, and thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why do you live?
why are you, you?
why stand here?
when you can stand there...

i know why i live, i want to know why other people live and wake up everymoring being who they are and continue living

Anwser,please, and thank you

good question
i dont know i guess i live because i wanna make an impact on the world and i know that sounds really lame because its like what every one says but im 14 right now and i dont know how i would approach making that impact i guess the small things are steps along the way
as for why am i me because i am i love me i have my insecurities as a person but i love hu i am because im my own person and not a sheep like a lot of others in my age group
why stand here i seriously dont know if i could be somewhere else i would as soon as i've the chance to get out there i will but i will never forget where i came from

because i'm not dead
because i think therefore i am
i'm not standing i'm sitting ;-)
and i have to sit here cuz i live here and mom and dad wont let me outside cuz it's dark

real reason why i live: because i know i can help people, i know that somehow in some way i can change people's lives for the better

I live because Im not dead.
I am me, because I am not you.
I would stand there but not in a box
I would stand there but I have no sox
I stand here for the refreshing air
And to shake my little derriere

You live for happiness. if you want to know all the answers you have to be buddhist like me lol