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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone out there love to sing?

Question:i just love to sing!!! im goig to try for american idol. any tips???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i just love to sing!!! im goig to try for american idol. any tips???

I love to sing! Good for you, shooting for American Idol. As for a tip, make sure whatever song you choose is an emotional thing for you. I'm not saying purposely pick a really sad song, I just mean pick a song that you can put yourself into, whether it be happy, sad, or otherwise. Sing from your heart. People can tell the difference when someone is actually "in" their performance, and it shows a lot about the ability of the performer. Hope this helps at least a little. Good luck with your endeavor. Cheers.

I have always liked to sing. But what I mainly do is make a joyful noise unto the Lord (It is heavy on the noise side), It is hard to find a formula for what works on shows like American Idol. Do your best and God will bless your efforts.

Uh no

I love to sing and I think you should sing for either some close people you trust if you're nervous and see what they think of your singing. It's also a good idea to take a couple lessons before auditioning for some tips or take actual lessons.

I love to sing too!! Good luck @ American Idol!! Tips?? Just be yourself and try your best. Even if you don't make it, keep going and NEVER GIVE UP!!!