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A friend of mine is feeling a bit fed up of life at the moment,
they really like Frank Sinatra so I thought of sending them the song "Lets face the music and dance" as a way of saying lets face life and go with it.

My problem is I'm worried the song may sound romantic and would give off the wrong impression.

what do you all think,

this question will prob only relate to those who know the song

thanks in advance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey,

A friend of mine is feeling a bit fed up of life at the moment,
they really like Frank Sinatra so I thought of sending them the song "Lets face the music and dance" as a way of saying lets face life and go with it.

My problem is I'm worried the song may sound romantic and would give off the wrong impression.

what do you all think,

this question will prob only relate to those who know the song

thanks in advance

That is a lovely song w/great lyrics. Could I suggest another? Sinatra also recorded "That's Life" which is a song about the ups and downs of living, but it's upbeat. Part of the lyrics:

"Just when I find myself, flat on my face
I pick myself up
and get back
in the Race!"

It was one of Sinatra's signature songs. Don't think your friend could mistake this for a love song too easily. ;o)

its depends on how the person takes it is can be a romantic song but just say ahead that this has nothing to do with romance they will understand I'm sure

It is kind of romantic. Maybe pick another song?