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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Listen to me sing?

Question:Hey! can you listen to me sing on this link and tell me what you think?

p.s. please don't be too mean :-)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey! can you listen to me sing on this link and tell me what you think?

p.s. please don't be too mean :-)

parts of that was absolutely perfect and i was amazed at the tone; its so sweet and innocent. KEEP UP THE GREATNESS

You have a nice tone...very pretty.

you need to sack the camera man/woman

you have a very nice voice!!!

you have a really good voice for a 15 year old and it will only get better,

nice sound, but it sounds like your not fully singing. try going to a big place like an empty church so you learn to fill up your chords and fully support your sound. also, sometimes the diction, particualrly when you start with an "N" or end with a "Y" sound affects your pitch, usually lowering it and giving a flat sound, souring your lovely voice just a bit.

Otherwise, your ability to hold key singing acappella is impressive. Have you studied voice or music at all? You should study. You got lots o' uncultivated raw talent.


Try getting a fuller sound.

Get vocal lessons if you don't already have them

Finally, work a bit on the way you enounciate. It makes the difference between a good singer and a great one.

You can email me if you have questions about that last one.