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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Guitar help!!! Someone say something?

Question:As a starter, what type of guitar is best to go for, a regualr guitar or some other kind. I'm intrested in various types of musics which i'm willing to learn how to sing with a guitar as well. What kind suits me best. Also what price range will be a fairly wise choice when working on a low budget.

I also would love information about a heavy guitar and how it is different from others and which gutiar will give the best flexibility to play music until I decide what I will stick to (Later in life)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As a starter, what type of guitar is best to go for, a regualr guitar or some other kind. I'm intrested in various types of musics which i'm willing to learn how to sing with a guitar as well. What kind suits me best. Also what price range will be a fairly wise choice when working on a low budget.

I also would love information about a heavy guitar and how it is different from others and which gutiar will give the best flexibility to play music until I decide what I will stick to (Later in life)

You should probably start with a cheap squire stratocaster or ibanez, they are usually good to begin on. They are also both ok for most styles of electric guitar music but not specialized in heavy metal.
Getting an instrument that is especially good for a certain style usually means getting an instrument that is priced mid to up.
Think about taking lessons that is the best way to progress and maybe you can also get some advice on which instrument to get.
I don't think it is always better to start with an acoustic guitar, you can easily begin on the electric.

To start learning, I would strongly recommend an acoustic guitar. They are harder to play and have fewer buttons and whistles - meaning fewer little problems that might show up.

Go to your local guitar shop and look at everything in your price range, as well as some guitars that are a little more expensive and lots that are even lower. Play around on all of them- even if you don't know how to play, just hit notes and fool around to see what feels the best to you and what sound you like the most.

Bring a friend who plays guitar so he or she can help you make the decision. Also, the staff at music stores are generally very friendly and helpful.

The most important thing is not to purchase any guitar that you haven't played. Even two of the same model can be slightly different feeling, depending on things like who actually put them together, the work conditions, how old they are, etc. Make sure you play it before you buy it!

Good luck. The guitar is a wonderful instrument that can really bring a lot of joy and expression to your life.

stratocasters are the skinniest guitars they hug to you and mold to your body also a squier strat is pretty cheap.. bout 100-400$

SOMETHING !!!!!!!!

I would suggest a Yamaha acoustic guitar, around $225 at Guitar Center. Hope this helps.

Please refer to my info site on cheap guitars for more info, it has tons of what you're looking for