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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can anyone please help me on a skit I have to do running for student council 2nd

Question:I just need some ideas. My name is Dillon. I am a drummer. I am a freshman. And the skit can contain a max or 5 people including me. Any help? Oh! And I need a slogan, any ideas on that. And my skit and slogan have to relate/correspond. 3-4 minute skit...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just need some ideas. My name is Dillon. I am a drummer. I am a freshman. And the skit can contain a max or 5 people including me. Any help? Oh! And I need a slogan, any ideas on that. And my skit and slogan have to relate/correspond. 3-4 minute skit...

I got a good slogan for you "Beat the competition" "The Cymbal for the future" "Snaring up the votes". "Drum uo the votes"

I guess these are more like puns

Part of the reason they make you do a skit is they want to see your creativty, as a leader you will need to be creative.

I would say just bring your drum kit up on stage and make a speech of why you are the best choice using clever rhythms and rim shots to punctuate the speech To quote the musical Gypsy, “You gotta get a gimmick, if you wanna get ahead!”

you need to give us more direction than that.

There are lots of skits that can be made - once YOU'VE come up with a direction.

Topical humor is your best bet. If there's some issue at your school that needs resolution, use that as the crux of the piece. People respond better to humor rather than more staid and matter-of-fact presentations -- wouldn't you?