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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I train myself to not laugh at funny things?

Question:I am an actor and comedian, and sometimes when I am onstage doing improv, or talking normally to people, and I say funny things, or see/ hear things other people do/say, I laugh at them. Is there a way for me to train myself to not laugh at funny things?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am an actor and comedian, and sometimes when I am onstage doing improv, or talking normally to people, and I say funny things, or see/ hear things other people do/say, I laugh at them. Is there a way for me to train myself to not laugh at funny things?

Whenever I feel the urge to laugh on stage, I just exaggerate whatever emotion I am acting.

Example: If I am playing an angry old man in an improv scene, and something absolutely hilarious happens, instead of laughing I will channel the energy of the laugh into shaking, frowning, huffing and puffing, etc.

Just think about channeling the energy of the moment, instead of suppressing it.

Wear a rubber band on your wrist and when you feel the urge to laugh, snap it hard. Trust me, this method has gotten rid of many bad habits for me.

just keep it that way


get all ur laughs out b4 u start your lines

I'm not sure there's much you can do about that. Think about something solemn or sad, that might help.

what i do it bite my tongue hard enough so that i wont open my mouth it works for me to keep me from laughing

why wouldn't u want to laff at funny things? esp if your a comedian! omg..chickey.

anyway, all i can tell you is think sad things?

Yah, i laugh too. No big deal. It's a good thing.


u dont have to stop laughing,it is good for health

omg I used to laugh at everything well you can stop by like thinking of sad things that will make you feel not to laugh

think horibly not funny things when you have the urge to laugh.

two suggestions- think about what your character would do... if he would laugh, then let it out! If it's not appropriate, try to think of something sad or serious if you know something funny is about to happen.

i had this problem.! it was hard, and people always say when i tell a joke im so serious....haha. but here is how when somethign funny comes on pinch your self! it;s worked for me, hop it can work for you.
hope i helped!
xxoo; jelly<3=D

well when i start to laugh i usually bite my tounge but that makes you look stupid. This is a good way is to think of something really sad like one of your loved ones dying as u hear something funny it will change your train of thoguht and make you not laugh. but dont think about the sad moment too long or ull get depressed lol

Good luck. I'm always cracking up at awkward moments, and never figured a way to stop.

You can always laugh at yourself

okay a good thing to do is like but you hand behing you back and then give your self a good pinch it will stop you from laughing or just like pretend like you holding your hand then pinch your self...Its what drew barrymore does

try to keep deep breath~~,may do some help~~

find a little peice of skin inside of your bottom lip, and bite down on it with your canine teeth. (you the 3rd ones in if you start from either side of your front teeth.) bite it pretty hard whenever you feel the urge. no one will be able to tell, and it should keep you from laughing because
a) it will be painful
b) your jaws should pretty much be clamped shut

good luck with your acting career!

girlfriend,be yourself. if its funny to you it maybe just as funny to others. include to things that make you laugh into your act. you know what i mean I'm sure hon. just go with the flow. life is a very dull experience with laughter.

I loved seeing a recent documentary on early sitcoms which featured the Carol Burnett Show, the huge amount of fun engendered when her ensemble actors would adlib was the reason to watch weekly -- live show - and they are wonderful to watch trying to hold it all in.Lots of shaking shoulders and ducked heads. Aw just enjoy yourself in a comedy impro situation it makes everybody feel good to see genuine laughs.

Just think of something sad as fast and you can, and focus yourself on that sad/depressing thing for the duration of the thing that makes you laugh it works for me! Try it!

Thinking of tragic events in life always help me. Or I think of poop or something that is unsighlty as silly as that sounds it helps.

If you don't want to laugh at something eg. A dirty joke... Use your back molers (teeth) and hold your cheeks. Then take a big swallow while you're still holding then keep thinking "It's not funny" Or then think of something sad or makes you angry.

(works on me!)

And I used this tecnique for becoming a good actor and I got a little part in a movie. Do you laugh when you speak? Then just act really good because you gotta think you WANT to be a good actor... You're just talking and moving that's what got me through!

Why would you want to stop laughing. Are you laughing at them or with them? As long as you are not being cruel, what
the heck. Laughter is good.

I laugh at non funny stuff just pinch your arm for 3-5 seconds.

Bite on your finger if you are about to laugh. That is what I do and it works fine. ;) GOOD LUCK!!!

jus start laughing any time u want

You need to try and distance yourself from from the comedy.

So when you are acting comedy on stage, you should have already had the funny bits disected and rehersed so many times that they aren't funny anymore.

For improv its a little more difficult. You perhaps need to try and stay in character, and simultaniously view in your head the piece from and audiences perpective, and then instead of laughing at something funny you should be concentrating on staying in character and building upon the humor.

If you find you keep laughing at one piece over and over, stop, then restart concentrating on yourself and what you should be doing and where you should be doing it. If you keep thinking "dont laugh, dont laugh" you 80% of the time will.
Hope this helps