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Position:Home>Performing Arts> PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN IN band?

Question:You can look at the other questions I've asked about this, but I'm wondering, what is band like? I was reading this article today that said, "When making a decision, do what you want to experience." I'm pretty sure I want to do band, but what is it like?
By the way, if I do do band next year, I may do it again in 9th grade, but that's it. I don't want to do marching and in high school (I'm going to be running track and I don't think I can make it to all those rehearsals.)
I want to find out more about the "band experience" before I decide. I really enjoy music (sometimes I write my own songs), so I want to find out more. I really enjoy singing, but I also liked learning how to play recorder in elementary school. I know band will teach me a lot more about music than chorus, although I won't learn a lot about singing. I do want to learn mostly about music theory, you know, writing, reading, SPEAKING (angels speak music!) music. I enjoy playing, so is band the right class for me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can look at the other questions I've asked about this, but I'm wondering, what is band like? I was reading this article today that said, "When making a decision, do what you want to experience." I'm pretty sure I want to do band, but what is it like?
By the way, if I do do band next year, I may do it again in 9th grade, but that's it. I don't want to do marching and in high school (I'm going to be running track and I don't think I can make it to all those rehearsals.)
I want to find out more about the "band experience" before I decide. I really enjoy music (sometimes I write my own songs), so I want to find out more. I really enjoy singing, but I also liked learning how to play recorder in elementary school. I know band will teach me a lot more about music than chorus, although I won't learn a lot about singing. I do want to learn mostly about music theory, you know, writing, reading, SPEAKING (angels speak music!) music. I enjoy playing, so is band the right class for me?

Yes, it is the right class. If the teacher is a good teacher, you'll learn theory.
Secondly, don't rule out band because of athletic practices. Have you ever stopped to look and see if any athletes are in band? I was a cheerleader and ran track during high school and was a band member. I'm a music teacher now.

To find out if it's possible to do both, TALK to your coach and the band director. There's no way you can learn everything you need to know to get a basic concept of music in two school years. The first two years are used to develop technique and pieces of theory. The next few years will teach you basic theory.

The band experience cannot be replicated anywhere else. You create a family with these band members because it's often the same people every year--you connect and experience the music together emotionally without saying a word. During a performance your body takes over the mechanics but your heart provides the actual music. That amazing emotion is achieved after years of study, when you actually begin to understand music beyond the notes on the page.
And, if your choir teacher is good they'll teach you about theory.
You can opt for private lessons in band or choir, but it's not completely the same.

I encourage you to talk to your teachers to work out something so you can enjoy track and band together. Track is NOT during marching season. Does your HS band even have after-school rehearsals, or have you asked? Many schools only have after-school rehearsals during marching season.
So, talk to your teachers and you CAN work something out.

having a band is fun, cuz it pulls you and the other band members together and you can do something you like. I was the singer of a band, and I had made the band. What you have to do is, even if you're friends, let them know you're serious about it... because the first few weeks my friends didn't really take it seriously. Then I let them know I wanted to be more serious and they respected me a little more.

What grade are you in now?? I'm not sure having a band at that age will work out so well, but don't let me hold you down. Ambition is a blessing -- I suppose nobody would have gotten where they are today without ambition. Good Luck!! ??

if you do want to join band it will take commitment but it is fun when u finally get a piece learned or when u know u have done good but u never know if you will be the only hard worker i have been in a band where its just fun cause everyone sounds good and we can go to festival's and stuff but i have also been in a band where no one cares but i would suggest joining band because it is a good experience and if you want to learn more about music then it will help a lot. i don't know if band will teach you a lot of music theory because most of the time unless you take a actually take a music theory class you are mostly going to just learn how to play a instrument.

Band is amazing. Music is phenomenal. It is life changing, and you will not be sorry that you did it.

As for marching band, track and marching season are totally different seasons. At least at my old high school, marching season was August through November, then pep band was December/January. Track was in the spring.

A good choir program will teach you just as much, if not more than band will, but for some people, instrumental disciplines are the way to go. If you really have your heart set against marching, do orchestra and play a string instrument(easy for me to say, my primary instrument is violin). All the theory, history, and musical experience, without the marching in cold, wet, wind, and storms(which can actually be quite fun.)

Look at all your options, but don't rule out choir or orchestra.

Yes, band is the right class for you. Sounds to me like you have what it takes to be a composer. Band is very demanding. Everything has to be perfect in performance and you're expected to keep up. The expectations and pressure is really high. The kids are fun, not very awkward as they're portrayed to be. It's very exciting to perform at a cold-read with your band at a competition, or even rehearse. -Wish you luck on choosing what's right for you. ;D

Yes, band seems right for you! At least concert season in high school (more playing than marching) During concert season, you get to play a lot and you also do rhythmical studies, sightread and play fun music! Marching season is sooo hard (running, push-ups as punishment, band camp in the middle of August), but yeah, it's super fun!!!!

please do not rule out band in high school,...marching band is usually in fall, track is in the spring. you can manage both so why cheat yourself of the opportunity?

my band experiences changed and even saved my life!
you say angels speak music??? perhaps God is calling you to be a true musician! nothing gets me closer to god than being involved in a stellar performance of music-there is nothing more ethereal on all of earth!!!