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Question:i want to write a love song for my boyfriend

any tips?

we r both in 9th grade


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want to write a love song for my boyfriend

any tips?

we r both in 9th grade


okay if you wanna right a love song
its pretty easy....
just make a list of things about your bf
((things you like about him,why he makes you happy,his personality,something sweet he has done for you..just stuff like that))
and then the rest will come easily to you!

i write songs too
i have like 2 journals full of them && thats what i usually
do like choose a subject [love,break-up,crush]
and write a list then it's just easy..
hope i helped!
<3 crystal

Well in my poetry class we were assigned to write a love poem. My teacher told us not to use cliche words like love, heart, missing you, rose...etc. So try to use words that are different. But just express how you feel. theres no right or wrong way...

Tip #1-- In, the poem, explain to him that you guys are too young to do bad stuff like drugs and sex. Then. explain how much you care for him. In the last line, write this... though my heart cares for you, and though I like you, my overprotective dad and his crowbar, can still emasculate you. Oooh oooh
j/k no, either you can or you can't. Good Luck