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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I need a professional stage name..ideas?

Question:I'm getting my Equity card and am about to sign with an agency, but I really need a distinguished name.. it doesn't need to be anything like my name.

I don't want a ridiculous name (i.e. Englebert Humperdink) or a name that's already been used (e.g. Monroe).

Cheers :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm getting my Equity card and am about to sign with an agency, but I really need a distinguished name.. it doesn't need to be anything like my name.

I don't want a ridiculous name (i.e. Englebert Humperdink) or a name that's already been used (e.g. Monroe).

Cheers :)

Pierre De Pomme !

kiara gloriosso !!!

Charlie Spires.

1st thing that came into my head.

What do you do exactly? Do you have a specialism?

How about Gladys de la Bonneville? Sadie Fischbein? Gloria Swallows?

Try your first pet's name followed by your mother's maiden name. As long as it doesn't sound like a pornstar you're in business!

P.S. Mine would be Joey Walker!

Katie Rose
Alexis Keel
Tracy Carter
Amy Michaels
Kendal Rice
Andrea Aramedies

Ella prada. simple and easy to pronounce :)

Is it an actors name you need, or a singer? I think you can afford to be a bit more snappy (eg: no surname) for a singer. As an actor, I'd pay attention to the genres you want to be known in and find a name that makes you sound right for such parts before the casting director even reads further.

I've found a couple of random name generators (see links below) that you might like to play with.

Lola lovington!

Deborah McCarthy
Julia Elizabeth Wells
Marguerite Perrinot
Barbara Klein
Gail Force
Irma Setas
Genevieve Reinhardt

I normally pick my fake names (like my pseudonym or stage name) by using old nicknames or variations of my own name and mixing them up with things that actually mean something to me. That way it's more personal.

For example, my second name is actually Lily, but on the school register it's wrong: it says Lucy, so some of my friends started calling me Lucy as a joke because all the new teachers would accidentally call me that and-you know what? Never mind.

So yeah, my writing pseudonym for example, is Lucy Blue. Lucy because (read above) and Blue because that's the colour of my eyes.


Good luck with your acting career!

Joseph Alyse