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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you correctly play vibrato on a Euphonium?

Question:I have heard a lot of people suggesting all types of ways to play vibrato, so I was wondering, what is the best sounding ways to play vibrato? And, how do you do it? I have been playing around with the jaw method, but I think I must be doing it wrong since it comes out sounding very bad. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have heard a lot of people suggesting all types of ways to play vibrato, so I was wondering, what is the best sounding ways to play vibrato? And, how do you do it? I have been playing around with the jaw method, but I think I must be doing it wrong since it comes out sounding very bad. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Quick Answer: as you play long tones...say 'Wha, Wha, Wha, Wha... but just enough to slightly alter the pitch ....first in halfs, then quarter notes, then in Eighths, ...After a day or two, begin Eighths, then when comfortable, triplets and sixteenths. Download some recordings of Brian Bowman. I highly recommend the Sacred Euphonium CD. If you listen to a master play the horn with Vibrato, you too can learn.

Long, the Remington Studies and Bowman's Book on Euphonium Playing. Play with Straight Tone and with Vibrato. DO NOT JUST PLAY with Vibrato. Be able to do either.

I too play euphonium, and to play vibrato I do it completly with tonguing.

From the diaphragm adjusting the air stream. If you do it mechanically - jaw, lips, shaking the horn... - it just sounds jerky.

Try playing long tones (hold 8-16 counts) and using "hoohoohoohoohoo" in varying speeds to feel your diaphragm move.

you can use lip movement. usually if you play using your diaphragm really well then it will automatically come out with great tone with vibrato.

Diaphragm. It should be a natural outcome of support, rather like operatic-style voice.