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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Songs to learn on acoustic guitar?

Question:I have been playing off and on for about 5 years....I still sort of consider myself to be a beginner though...I only took 2 lessons. just learned a speed drill, blues scale, stretching exercise, a couple songs, bar chords, and he introduced me to strumming patterns, rhythm, counting, etc...
5 years later, I still haven't become a proficient at strumming difficult patterns...
Anyone have suggestions for a mostly strumming song (with a relatively constant strumming pattern (not thes same chords over & over again beginner songs). I can't do the whole just hitting the strings at what seem to be random up/downstrokes in some of these songs...its like they don't strum a different pattern in every measure of the song...probably not but it seems that way to me...
I can only strum something when I can hear it in my head w/o I can do a couple "difficult" strumming songs simply because its been my fav song since I was like 8 or something...and I'm 21 now...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been playing off and on for about 5 years....I still sort of consider myself to be a beginner though...I only took 2 lessons. just learned a speed drill, blues scale, stretching exercise, a couple songs, bar chords, and he introduced me to strumming patterns, rhythm, counting, etc...
5 years later, I still haven't become a proficient at strumming difficult patterns...
Anyone have suggestions for a mostly strumming song (with a relatively constant strumming pattern (not thes same chords over & over again beginner songs). I can't do the whole just hitting the strings at what seem to be random up/downstrokes in some of these songs...its like they don't strum a different pattern in every measure of the song...probably not but it seems that way to me...
I can only strum something when I can hear it in my head w/o I can do a couple "difficult" strumming songs simply because its been my fav song since I was like 8 or something...and I'm 21 now...

try forgetting about imitating strumming patterns. instead try taking songs you have learned and making them you're own or completely different by changing the way you strum. don't think about the pattern, just listen to what it sounds like and try any pattern you feel like, be random if you want and try to find things you like.

also what could help is to play songs you know with lyrics and try to sing along with it. don't try to imitate the strumming of the artist just try to play a strumming pattern and sing at the same time.