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Question:if i had sex in public would that be a performing art?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if i had sex in public would that be a performing art? would be a performing tart.....lmao

It probably would, yes.

Try it :)

Hmm. You could give it try and when you get arrested see if that line of logic gets you out of it. Let us know how it turns out...

Sure if they throw money.

Nope! Misdemeanor to a felony, depending on what you're in to.

NO! I t would make you a cheap pig with obviously no respect.


Only if Brian Sewell or Rolf Harris were watching

Yes it would be!!
Just be real loud so every one around you can hear!!!

depends how many people were watching

No that would probably be termed an act of gross indecency by the police. At least that's what I think they would call it.

If you can stick a paint brush between there (:



Are you thinking of doing it then Tatts ?????

Hope the romance is still going well !

Depends on who or what you are having sex with. Would you want every body to watch you? I think if you did, the next morning you could do it again for the judge.

Ha ha - I can't beat Afro's answer,Tatty!

This is the second time in a row that you've asked this question.....this is the stuff that causes me violations....If someone has sex in public I would call it being an exhibitionist, not a performing art !!!!!!!!!! Why do people ask this kind of stuff !!!!!!!!! Are they lacking attention???? Well here goes my next violation ......if so good bye people, it was nice talking to those who are really into the performing arts, I've enjoyed your questions !!!!!!!!! Bye !!!!!!!!!!!

Sure if they throw money But don't go that way><

Sure , let us no when and where

Oh my...I think that would be flat out awesome more than anything!

A great question! but i think it is technically called "Disturbing the Peace, honest!!!!

Er - I think you could say that Tatts but I wouldn't try it if I were you because if you get caught you will be prosecuted for doing an indecent act in public!!

I think , however , yes. But it has been ventured.


no its not an art but some people give u the name of artist because they also want u to do this like this they cant stop u but its not right thing to do have sex in the house or in the under somewhere where no one can come