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Question:Ok So I Heard My Cello Teacher

Play "Vibrato" On her Cello

And I Am Just beggeining and she said

that we cant start it right away

but i dont care so can you try to explain

it and sort of teach me how to do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok So I Heard My Cello Teacher

Play "Vibrato" On her Cello

And I Am Just beggeining and she said

that we cant start it right away

but i dont care so can you try to explain

it and sort of teach me how to do it?

No, listen to your teacher. It will be a few years before you can attempt vibrato. You have many other things to learn first.

Hint : the vibrato is flat then natural, flat then natural. It is NEVER sharp so do not go above the note.

haha Okay, have a look at this :

It's more important to play IN TUNE than with vibrato. Vibrato is just icing on the cake. But one good thing about vibrato is your left hand technique has to be right, or you won't be able to do it.