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Question:How many people do college a capella singing groups generally have in them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How many people do college a capella singing groups generally have in them?

My husband was in the Kenyon College Kokosingers. They had 12 men. The female group I believed had the same. Then Kenyon added the group called the Chasers with more a Capella singers. [these groups were for fun. They were not part of the music department. ] Those who wanted to sing more sang in the touring choir. It depends on the college. I think you would have to contact music departments in each school. I know that sometimes people do not get chosen because the music group already has the quota for "alto's" that year. I know people who were unable to get into groups that have great voices until they were sophomores or juniors.

My choir (Liverpool University Singers Consort) has four per part SATB. We do a few accompanied pieces as well, but it's mainly a capella.