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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I do guitar scales?

Question:Go to , then click on scales and chords, then click the pentatonic minor scale. He also has a lot of videos on Youtube.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Go to , then click on scales and chords, then click the pentatonic minor scale. He also has a lot of videos on Youtube.

How do you do them?

I started with learning petatonic scales, there shape is generally similar wherever you [play them up the neck so you can at least noodle around to your favourite songs or play a bluesy solo when you're bored.

I learned them the right way, with Segovia's "Major and Minor Diatonic Scales for the Guitar". It takes some studying to figure them out, but once you have them down, you're playing them the way all the top guitarists do.