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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Whats the highest note that you can play on the flute?

Question:i play the flute but i know it goes REALLY high i was just curios how high

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i play the flute but i know it goes REALLY high i was just curios how high

Here is a nice website to help you with that. It also has alternate fingerings and other helpful tips.
This page shows the 4th octave.
The highest they have is C8 which is one octave above the high C (5 bars above the staff) that is shown in most student books. Good luck if you try to hit it!

the c three octaves above middle c. piccolo goes an octave higher.

There's a high D. It's the fourth octave up from the low D. It goes even higher but I don't know the notes yet. lol =D

i don't kno! ill ask my friend. she plays the flute.