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Question:What are the differences in playing an e-flat clarinet as opposed to a b falt?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are the differences in playing an e-flat clarinet as opposed to a b falt?

No, use the same embouchure, but it will feel slightly different cos the mouthpiece is so much smaller.

Are the parts harder? Harder than what? Harder than 3rd clarinet parts? Yes, they tend to be more in line with the solo clarinet parts. Often times, the Eb clarinet parts double the flute and piccolo parts rather than the clarinet parts, so you might feel very exposed playing it.

Another difference is the tuning. You may have to add fingers or use alternative fingerings that you wouldn't be used to in order to play it in tune. This of course depends on your instrument, but it is something to bear in mind.

An e-flat clarinet is smaller and sounds slightly higher, but all the fingerings are the same. And it is much cooler!

It will be slightly difficult if you have very large fingers.

Concur with the comment about fingers. It takes getting used to.