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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Songs to play at the guitar store to test them out?

Question:I've been playing guitar off and on for about 5 years. I just bought a Seagull S6 after my first guitar broke...but when I got to the guitar store I realized I don't actually have any songs memorized...I always just read tabs and play off there from my after playing the Seagull for a week or so I realized I don't really like it all that much...I like strumming more than fingerstyle, so it just seems like the wrong guitar for me...don't get me wrong it sounds good, it just doesn't have that normal acoustic guitar sound when strumming...
Can anyone give me some suggestions of what to play on the guitars because I can never think of any good songs to play...
I know a ton of chords and I can change strumming ability isn't that great, so anything that requires good "rhythm" i guess like pinball out for I guess I'd consider myself a good beginner/lower intermediate... So I need some good strumming songs and 1 or 2 fingerstyle....thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been playing guitar off and on for about 5 years. I just bought a Seagull S6 after my first guitar broke...but when I got to the guitar store I realized I don't actually have any songs memorized...I always just read tabs and play off there from my after playing the Seagull for a week or so I realized I don't really like it all that much...I like strumming more than fingerstyle, so it just seems like the wrong guitar for me...don't get me wrong it sounds good, it just doesn't have that normal acoustic guitar sound when strumming...
Can anyone give me some suggestions of what to play on the guitars because I can never think of any good songs to play...
I know a ton of chords and I can change strumming ability isn't that great, so anything that requires good "rhythm" i guess like pinball out for I guess I'd consider myself a good beginner/lower intermediate... So I need some good strumming songs and 1 or 2 fingerstyle....thanks

This is funny... in a way, because the very LAST thing I do when trying a new guitar, is play anything.

I run through scales and then pentatonic scales in at least 3 places on the fret boards and see how it sounds. If I am still interested, then I'll run through chords, again in at least 3 different places on the fretboard... and if I STILL like the way it sounds... then I really hammer the mother and see how it holds up.... then shift into various modes... jazz, blues, bluegrass and, finally, classical...

Depending on WHY I'm buying the guitar... what I have in mind for it... I will have a good idea how well it fits that need and can be adapted to other styles. OH... and I buy THAT guitar... I don't want one from the back room because it may not sound the same or play the same... so when I try a guitar... I want to buy THAT guitar.

It takes me about an hour to buy a guitar.

try Hey, Hey, My My by Neil Young. There is an acoustic and electric version of it in the album Rust Never Sleeps. Its great to play.

Well, the only person in the music store who matters here is you. So if somebody else thinks your playing is lame, I hope they're classy enough not to look like fools by commenting!

You're buying the guitar for yourself, so why not take along a few of your favorite tabs and play from them? The music store should not object, after all, they need your purchase if they want to show a profit.

First, play your tunes yourself and assess how each guitar in your price range feels in your hands. Then have a friend or store clerk play each one that felt good (have them play the tabs you brought on each guitar!) while you turn your back; this is when you assess the sound. The one that feels good and sounds best when your back is turned is the one you want.