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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am a singer/songwriter post them as videos online. But I want to copyright the

Question:How do I get my songs copyrighted? Please help.l thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do I get my songs copyrighted? Please help.l thank you!

A few options. Many people do both. Nowadays, a work is considered copyrighted simply by putting your (c) symbol on it with the year and your name. If it were ever to come up, you would want to be able to prove it is yours. Most people mail a copy of the work to themselves registed mail, then just keep it and don't open it. I'd also recommend registering the copyright with the government. You do not need to go through an expensive middleman to do that. You can do it yourself, and just pay the fee they require. You'll find the government site by just searching.

i'm not too sure
all i know is that it costs a fair bit.

Go to the Library of Congress webpage ( follow the steps, easy to do on your own.