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Question:Does anyone have any tips on how to write songs that are catchy? Im currently banging my head on the table in fustration! :)
thanks in advance :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone have any tips on how to write songs that are catchy? Im currently banging my head on the table in fustration! :)
thanks in advance :D

The tricky thing about songwriting is that it's super hard to be original and catchy at the same time. When you think about it, most of the good ideas have been used up already, and almost every new song kinda treads on older territory. Does that make sense? For example, there are only so many musical most people will end up tapping the same melody structures.

The key is to study songs you find "catchy" (both lyrically and musically) and try to draw as much inspiration from them as you can without plagiarizing. Sounds obvious enough, but it's definitely easier said than done. Even pop stars on the radio borrow a lot from each other, and a lot of songs sound similar to those done by others! Hopefully, you'll find creative ways to express yourself musically and give your songs a uniqueness that is so often desired. It'll take a lot of time and songwriting practice.

And you're not alone. My table is full of head-shaped craters!

Ive heard going to a new place to write is always good especially if it doesn't have any tables

Go to a coffee shop where a band is playing. i always get inspiration that way. Or, just take a walk. Exercise makes your mind work, too. And you know how people usually sing in the shower? If you do, get a waterproof tape recorder and keep it on while you are singing. You might come up with really great and original lyrics that way!

there are basic tips to composing music. For someone who is starting out I would advise you first work on your melody before anything else. Learn to make the melody of simple rythms and try not to go out of the bounds of a twelve tone scale.
The best book I have found for helping beginning composers is called "Composing Music a new approach" by William Russo. It helps you step by step starting with the basics and exercises. Buying the book would be a great investment however if you dont want to buy it check your local library on composing music.
Hope that helped It sure helped me. good luck.