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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to cure nervousness that causes my voice to be shaky?

Question:I'm about to audition for a musical and usually when i get nervous my voice gets shaky and i get short on air...
help, please?!?!?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm about to audition for a musical and usually when i get nervous my voice gets shaky and i get short on air...
help, please?!?!?!

that used to happen to me a lot too. i know it may not sound like much, but before you go on stage you should reassure yourself that there's nothing to be worried about (because you do know all your lines) loosen up and take a couple of deep breaths. drink a lot of water or something hot like tea to clear your throat. when you go out there just believe you're the only person out there and that no one is watching you. just take your time and read at a normal pace or slower than normal.