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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone know where i can get someone to sign me for a record deal?

Question:Im 14 years old and my mom wants me to try and get one cuz i wanna become famous.
its my biggest dream.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im 14 years old and my mom wants me to try and get one cuz i wanna become famous.
its my biggest dream.

Persuade your parents to moving somewhere where there is a lot of record producers, and try to get noticed by going to events that record producer holds and talk to him/her. After you know him pretty well, ask him if you could maybe sing a song for him/her and see if he/she likes it. Then, maybe just maybe, they'll sign you for a record deal! I hope this helps, and good luck with your dream! Please check out my question.

Try "Record Deals R Us"

I'll sign you...... actually no i won't... hahhaha

you want a record deal... then you better work for it.... you have to earn it. You kids think its so easy to be famous. First of all your goal shouldn't be to become famous. You have to love the music first. You have to want to be on stage and be a performer. You have to prove to the audience they want to see you again and they would pay to see you again.

Second - record deals don't guarantee fame or money. Did you know most recording stars only make 10% off of their recordings? The other 90% gets divided up between the producers, agents, musicians, back up singers....

Third - I'm going to burst your little bubble.... Everyone who has been successful in the recording world had a long road to go. You think you can just ask for it here and someone will sign you? Do you have a demo tape? have you taken lessons? Do you write your own music? Do you have head shots taken? Where have you performed? What stages have you been on? Have you been on any TV shows or commercials? Do you perform at local festivals? Have you won any awards for your performances? Can you even sing in tune? Why should people come and hear you? Why should I spend a Friday night listening to you when i could be doing something else?

Those are questions you have to ask yourself. The most important being... what do I have to offer the music industry? what will my contribution be?

Or are you just hoping to famous so you can make some money, buy a big house and a fancy car and wear bling bling all over town? Cause if that is what you want you will never ever make it.