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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Free printable broadway sheet music?

Question:does anyone know where i can get Spring Awakening or A Chorus Line sheet music for free?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does anyone know where i can get Spring Awakening or A Chorus Line sheet music for free?

I answer this question the same way EVERY time it comes up - if something is under copyright, you are NOT going to get it free - unless you can convince someone who ALREADY paid for it to break the law and make you copies. You can PAY for it at many music stores. How do you expect composers and publishers to get paid, if people want to steal? How about if we came to YOUR house, and took something of yours, that you worked years and years to make?

You will not get any answers that give you free and legal on this one. People will give you links to music stores.

Ditto above. You ain't gonna find it for free online.

And ditto again - People amaze me. Especially actors who want nothing more than to be paid, but expect to be handed audition material and music for free - without paying the composers who created it.