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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Oboe vs guitar?

Question:dont be bias because of an instrument you play... do you have to be smart to play an oboe? and do you have to be dumb to play guitar?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: dont be bias because of an instrument you play... do you have to be smart to play an oboe? and do you have to be dumb to play guitar?

"Smart" and "Dumb" have little to do with the ability to learn and play either instrument.

How "complex" an instrument is and what kind of music one wants to play determines some of how fast one can learn.

Playing any kind of wind instrument requires some fine motor skill to develop just the right lip and mouth positions called, (forgive the misspelling) "armbrusure." In that way, learning to play the oboe may, at first, be more difficult than the simple up and down strumming that passes for guitar playing.

However, if that is all one does to a guitar, then it can't be said that the person has really learned much about the guitar. Otherwise it would be like saying that a person that can play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" has learned how to play the oboe.

While some people have a natural talent for learning an instrument, as long as one is physically capable, ANYONE can learn, as long as the desire is truely present, and the person is willing to put in the time and effort.


To both questions.

I dont really think its about being smart or dumb. It mostly is about being passionate about the instrument you play. There could be a really crappy oboe player, and then there could be a professional guitar player that will kick his *** in talent; however, that doesn't mean the guitar player is more talented. It's all about what youre passionate about.

It's not smart or's accomplished or being a hack. If you are going to play oboe, by the way, start on the clarinet to build your embouchure. It is very hard to start on the oboe.

no to both. and learning any instrument increases intelligence.

I think any person only grows smarter after learning and mastering any instrument!

Watch that and then decide.

I think that anyone with a normal IQ can play an instrument, I think it has more to do with talent then intelligence... there are people who are geniuses playing music.....but they can't tie their shoes....I'm not being smart, I've seen this on TV. ....especially people who have certain brain disorders, so to me it says that it's a talent !!!!!