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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do i get her to sing THIS song with me?

Question:I am doing a duet with my friend (not that musical) called "Anything Better Than You"

but she doesn't want to. it's SO perfect for us because we playfully fight all the time. I really want to sing this song with someone, her, but if she doesn't want to, should i ditch her and ask someone else? she's not that good of a singer anyway..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am doing a duet with my friend (not that musical) called "Anything Better Than You"

but she doesn't want to. it's SO perfect for us because we playfully fight all the time. I really want to sing this song with someone, her, but if she doesn't want to, should i ditch her and ask someone else? she's not that good of a singer anyway..

This is a truly great song, just do it with someone! Also, when you perform, putting the avatar video behind you on the screen would be so cool!

don't get mad. u can tell her in the song the girl wins anyway... she does. and it's called "anything you can do i can do better."