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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Flute festival?

Question:I am playing the Telemann Suite in A Minor. I would like some tips on how to play this piece. If you have played this before, can you help me out and give me some tips on the style? I am studying with a private teacher but at the moment she is mostly working on the mechanics.

thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am playing the Telemann Suite in A Minor. I would like some tips on how to play this piece. If you have played this before, can you help me out and give me some tips on the style? I am studying with a private teacher but at the moment she is mostly working on the mechanics.

thank you!

You would really be better off getting help from someone who can actually hear what you're doing already with the piece. Just ask your teacher to help you. First, you're paying for lessons and therefore it is your teacher's job to work with you on thing with which you need help. Second, as a private music instructor myself, I can tell you I prefer when my students ask me about things they want to know. It makes my job a little easier and it also means that they will learn more because they will pay more attention.