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Question:OK,I have an assignment on "Why are masks important in drama". She told us to put it in our own words and if you dont know,then use the internet. But theres nothing on google / yahoo, So why are masks important in drama?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: OK,I have an assignment on "Why are masks important in drama". She told us to put it in our own words and if you dont know,then use the internet. But theres nothing on google / yahoo, So why are masks important in drama?

Masks are important in Drama because it shows the audience who you represent in the show/production. Are you familiar with the happy and sad faces that represent Drama?
Thalia and Melpomene are the names of them... Thalia is the smiling one and Melpomene is the frowning one. they show you what expression your character is feeling in the show/production. I hope this is good enough!

They're importat bcause they force u 2 use ur body 2 show the emotion. It makes u a better actor by not just using ur face but being able to have ppl recognize ur emotions by ur body language. If u use my answer please give me credit on ur assignment.

Hope that helped!:)


In fact, the two masks associated with drama with the smiling and frowning faces are both symbols of the Muses Thalia and Melpomene. Thalia is the Muse of comedy (the smiling face), and Melpomene is the Muse of tragedy (the frowning face).

masks are very important in drama b/c they help the auydience to not just look at the character's face (although expesstions are VERY IMPORTANT in drama) using the body helps alot too..
many actors i know depend on their faces farr to much! by wearing a mask it prevents the audience from seeing their faces, so they have to work with their body lots more