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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Have you ever casted a simple spell, and did it work?

Question:You mean CAST a spell, not "casted." Spells are something in the imagination and are designed to make the person who cast them feel better, but in reality they have no actual power.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You mean CAST a spell, not "casted." Spells are something in the imagination and are designed to make the person who cast them feel better, but in reality they have no actual power.

Yes, I recently casted the Avada Kedavra spell and it worked quite stunningly. (By the way, it's a killing curse if you haven't read Harry Potter)

Talk to harry potter!

No because spells cannot work. There is no way that the concentration of mental energy (in the absence of a physical body) can cause an effect in the real world. If it ever appears to work it is because of coincidence or because it was going to happen anyway. Give up on such nonsense please.

i disagree with judge marks, we only use like three percent of our brains potential power, and look what we can accomplish, and all of the enegry that is stored in our bodies that we dont use, so in theory (God ive just noticed how boring i sound, sorry), yeah, in theory, if you worked hard enough, to train your brain, you should be able to manipulate the energy your body produces to create "Magic"

btw ive never cast a spell unfortunately, although i have had an OBE (Out of Body Experience)

I told my boyfriend to "F*ckk off!"
and he did.
like magic!

But it's a religion question, not performing arts.