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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's a good name for my worship team?

Question:I'm the lead singer on my youth group worship team! We're going to be performing at this Christian event, but we need a name!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm the lead singer on my youth group worship team! We're going to be performing at this Christian event, but we need a name!

How about the Worship Wonders. It has to do with worshiping god and wonders just sounds awesome. It is also a good and catchy alliteration.

Our group in college were called "Living Water" almost 20 yrs ago...everyone seemed to like our name.

How about "Glory Be!" ?

greater anointing
joyful noise
musical praise

-Outpour of Faith
- Re-generation
-Forever Faithful
-Glory Reign/Rain
-Adorned in Fire