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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I prepare to audition for the colorguard team and what should I be expect

Question:I have no experience pretty much but the guard director says most do not. I want to practice spinning and such too so if you know some good places on the web to find out please leave links =)! By the way when i say color guard i mean dancing with flags, sabers and rifles (not like folding a flag)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have no experience pretty much but the guard director says most do not. I want to practice spinning and such too so if you know some good places on the web to find out please leave links =)! By the way when i say color guard i mean dancing with flags, sabers and rifles (not like folding a flag)

Most Guard instructors will teach a short routine to audition with, as well as basic terms and techniques. Often they have you audition with a group of others. You may be called in several times so don't stress if you made one mistake.

some tips

-try to practice in front of a mirror or a sliding glass door so that you can see your angles and adjust when needed
-remember to count in your head during the audition. Many times people don't realize that they are moving their mouth as well
-Keep your head up, don't look at the floor unless that is part of the routine
-If you make a mistake just jump back in. Laughing it off or beating yourself up about it isn't going to do you any good. Just jump back in.
-Look confident, even if you don't feel confident in what you are doing
-spins will come natural after a bit, tosses take a bit longer. Don't be afraid of getting wacked by the flag. It will happen, just like falling off a bike when you are first learning how to ride.
-dance experience and a good memory will help

hope that this helps