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Question:its B-B-E flat
the B's are obviously octaves and i'm making it as if I was doing a 1-3-5 power chord but with my ring finger and pinky each down a string so in second position it's:


im using it in this chord progression:

B/D C/D G/D Em B?

it's unusual but sounds great on an acoustic
it sounds almost like a suspended chord but it's missing a note. help??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: its B-B-E flat
the B's are obviously octaves and i'm making it as if I was doing a 1-3-5 power chord but with my ring finger and pinky each down a string so in second position it's:


im using it in this chord progression:

B/D C/D G/D Em B?

it's unusual but sounds great on an acoustic
it sounds almost like a suspended chord but it's missing a note. help??

Actually, it's just like B major only not using D and e.

B major is X-2-4-4-4-2 if you didn't know...

Eb = D#

A B major chord would be B D# F# -- so you're playing a B major chord without the fifth (F#).

A full B chord would be 2-2-4-4-4-2 (barre across the second fret). The notes missing from your chord form X-2-X-4-4-X are all F#s

i believe its a bminor5.power chord.

That is a simple "B, flat 5" power chord.

It is a staight up B Power Chord, with a flat 5th.
Great sounding too.

It is composed simply of Root B, an octave of B, and a the flat 5th, Eb.

Rock on, Dude

PS: For correctness, and completeness:
Major Triad Chords are composed of the 1 (Root Note), 3rd, & 5th notes of a Root note scale.

Minor Triad Chords are composed of the 1, flat 3rd, & 5th notes of a Root note scale.

Power Chords are composed of the Root 1, & 5th notes only of a Root note scale.

Altered Chords are composed with the Root note, and alterations (sharp or flat) of the 3, and 5th notes of the Root note scale.

Extended Major Chords are composed of Root, 3rd, and 5th of the Root note scale, plus extensions such as 7th, flat 7th, 9th, 11th, & 13th of the root not scale.

and etc.