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Position:Home>Performing Arts> When the notes on the staves reach the top do I start counting the notes backwar

Question:Or wich way.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or wich way.

If you are going up the staff, from the bottom to the top, you follow the Alphabet. When you get to G, you simply start over again at A and go up the alphabet again. If the notes go down the staff, from the top to the bottom, you go backwards from G to A. When you get to A, you go back to G and Go Back down.

You can learn the lines from the bottom to the top by memorizing this mnemonic device

E-mpty G-arbage B-efore D-ad F-reaks

You can memorize the spaces by learning this phrase

Plain as the nose on my F - A - C - E


In treble clef, the top space is G. Then the first ledger line is A, the space above that B, etc.