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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How long does the average person take piano lessons?

Question:I've been taking lessons for the past 9 years and 12 days.
I haven't improved much over the past year or more cause of school and life.

Everyone seems to regret quitting piano lessons, but its not like you can just never quit. Gotta quit someday (right?), and I'm thinking its when you get to where you are absolutely amazing..
I'm gonna quit at least by when I graduate.
But my question is, when do people usually quit..?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been taking lessons for the past 9 years and 12 days.
I haven't improved much over the past year or more cause of school and life.

Everyone seems to regret quitting piano lessons, but its not like you can just never quit. Gotta quit someday (right?), and I'm thinking its when you get to where you are absolutely amazing..
I'm gonna quit at least by when I graduate.
But my question is, when do people usually quit..?

Until you figure out how to provide yourself with all the information your teacher gives you. I don't play piano, but it seems like so many people just keep learning different songs for years and years. I don't pay anyone to come read my guitar tabs for me. I know I'm exaggerating a little, but I've never understood why piano players take lessons for... decades?

I was told to quit after 3 lessons. I guess I didn't have any talent.

Til yu reach the point where you can give them.

you wuit when you no longer enjoy the class. some people wuit because they expect to be great right away, but thats not possible. when you're happpy with what u play, you can quit. its up to you. most people quit after two or three years.