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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you write five notes in one beat?

Question:I thought it was a quintuplet, but Sibelius says that a tuplet with five is too long to fit into one beat.
So how do I write five notes in one beat?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I thought it was a quintuplet, but Sibelius says that a tuplet with five is too long to fit into one beat.
So how do I write five notes in one beat?

quintiplet's are 5 notes in one beat.

see the link.

i thought it was that aswell

You can cram as many as you wish into a bar, but it reaches a point where it becomes unplayable

I wrote a thing with demi-semi quavers in it, which just sounds like a vibration of the string section . Hopeless

To see how five beats can fit a 3/4 or 4/4 bar, have a listen to the theme tune to the US programme "Freinds"
It does it nicely !
The clapping bit goes 12345 in a four beat bar


As for crushing notes together on paper, just preface them all with two or three little dots

Crude but effective

Speeds the show up !


Check your Sibelius manual; I'm quite sure it does quintuplets, though I'm a Finale user myself, and in the Tuplet tool, you'd click "5 16ths in the space of 4" (assuming a quarter note beat)