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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I think rap is only good to dance to?

Question:i used to like rap or hip hop more...i mean a lot of songs sthey play it really makes no for ex. "shoulder lean"...laffy taffy, it's just the beat....seriously u can make up a song by just saying "shake that a** girl" it's like i don't listen to rap's only good in parties..dancing with people....
another reason I DON'T like rap is because....a lot of is just about fu*king ho's...shooting people....
I am not a hypocrite..bec. i know rock songs do promote violence as well but i don't listen to the heavy metal type....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i used to like rap or hip hop more...i mean a lot of songs sthey play it really makes no for ex. "shoulder lean"...laffy taffy, it's just the beat....seriously u can make up a song by just saying "shake that a** girl" it's like i don't listen to rap's only good in parties..dancing with people....
another reason I DON'T like rap is because....a lot of is just about fu*king ho's...shooting people....
I am not a hypocrite..bec. i know rock songs do promote violence as well but i don't listen to the heavy metal type....

may be u r right

What exactly is your question? We get it, rap is only good for a beat and so rappers can feel good about themselves. If you don't like it, don't listen to it, simple as that.