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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm looking to do a solo for my Jr. High musical?

Question:It has to be from broadway, and I have a bit of a weak voice, I cant do very deep singing. More soft? Any help is nice.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It has to be from broadway, and I have a bit of a weak voice, I cant do very deep singing. More soft? Any help is nice.

For a 'soft' voice, perhaps "For Good" from Wicked.
But if you're a soprano, meaning you have a high voice, you may want to look at something from Phantom of the Opera like "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again."
However, if this is just a small solo, they probably won't be looking at your voice as much as they are looking if you can act while singing.
It's always better to pick a song that shows attitude or emotion. Maybe "Nowadays" from Chicago.

Hope I helped!
