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Question:is it ok to use your thumb rather than a pick?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is it ok to use your thumb rather than a pick?


yea but i prefer pick


It's also a great idea to learn to finger-pick. Watch Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac) sometime to see what a rocker can do with his fingers.

depends on the style of playing?...Mark knoffler plays with his thumb and fingers...using your thumb only!... may be a bit restricting though!...

The only guitarist I know who played only with his thumb was the great jazz guitarist Wes Montgomery. He used his thumb because when he was learning the guitar the pick made too much noise and the neighbours complained so he used his thumb which was quieter.

If you are going to use your thumb then maybe you should go the whole way and learn how to finger can do some amazing things :

Of course. Here is some video of the great Wes Montgomery, who only ever used his thumb.

I'm going to be brutally honest. From what you mean, no it is not okay. You mentioned rockband and gh3 IN your question, so you're obviously a fan of them. I have seen numerous people try to learn to play guitar the Guitar Hero way, using simply your thumb. It just doesn't work that way. OF COURSE learning to fingerpick is good, but that uses the rest of your fingers, and not just your thumb. If you want to just hit your thumb on every string, then my answer is no, it is not.

And I'm not ripping on Wes Montgomery or anything, but honestly, just don't do it. There was one Wes Montgomery, but how many famous guitarists are there?